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Bible app for smartphones:

Posted: Fri, Nov 13, 2015, 7:32 pm
by Linda O'Donnell
You can hear and read the King James Bible at any time--day or night--by downloading the "YouBible" app to your smartphone. The audio portion is narrated by Alexander Scourby, who is known throughout the world for his wonderful speaking voice.

The app for Androids and iPhones costs $19.99 and is available now. A version for computers and laptops is coming soon. You can read all about the app and watch some demos at

I don't own a smartphone, so I can't recommend this app from personal experience. However, judging from the demos that I watched and listened to on the above website, in addition to testimonials that I read and a recommendation from someone whose opinion I trust, I believe that this would be a good investment.

Please note: Before downloading the app, it would be a good idea to read the tips offered in "Support" section of the above website (near the bottom of the home page).