I'm enjoying the Bible studies that Jesse Hopkins (Hagios1) has been posting on his website and have learned a lot from them, so I invited him to post a link in this forum. This is the note that he wrote to everyone about it.
For your convenience, I'm repeating the link here: http://john14-6.webs.com/.
Hello everyone,
This link is being reposted here for anyone who is interested in a bible study. There is no pressure to participate or get involved if you do not wish to do so. These studies are just being shared for those who might be interested in a study of the New Testament, beginning with Matthew and going all the way to the end of Revelation.
Each book will begin with an introduction to the book, and then I will post each individual chapter of that book as I finish putting them together. In each chapter, I will provide Chapter Outlines, Section Outlines, Key Verses, and also Memorization Verses for those who are into memorizing scripture verses.
The studies are not affiliated with any particular church group or set of beliefs. They are open for everyone, regardless of where you go to church. It is my conviction that the scriptures interpret themselves. I am not the authority on God’s word and I do not believe any man is. When it comes to interpreting scripture, I believe the infallible rule is that scripture interprets itself.
The website also has other tabs that might be of interest. My main focus will be presenting the word of God and posting the studies in the tab that reads “Bible Studies.” Most everything on the website is viewable to everyone but if you would like to receive the studies or participate in the forum, you will need to become a member.
Membership is completely free. All you will need to do is fill out a few blocks and you’re in! There are some blocks that you do not have to provide information on, such as age and location. As far as I know, the only thing required is a valid email address, and a user name and password of your own choosing. I can promise you that your email will not be shared with anyone. Once you become a member, you will receive an email every time a new study gets posted.
You can join in the study at any time. If you wish to receive the previous studies, you can message me and I can send them to you. It is my hope and prayer that these studies might be a blessing to all who read them.
Anyways, if you are interested in what I have to share, and if the Lord leads you to come and check it out, you are welcome to do so. I am just putting the study out there for anyone interested and I hope the studies might be a blessing to those who read them. There is no pressure at all. You can view the studies at your own convenience and your own pace. There is no need to even participate in the studies if you do not choose to.
Again, I wish to thank Linda O’Donnell for allowing me to share this link on her website. It is such a blessing in what she has done by putting together a place where both believers and those who might be seeking the Lord can come and fellowship together and share their knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ with each other.
The link is: http://john14-6.webs.com/
Thank you all and God Bless,
Bible Studies (Jesse/Hagios1): john14-6.webs.com
- Posts:1417
- Joined:Fri, Mar 06, 2015, 3:48 am
Last edited by Linda O'Donnell on Tue, Jun 23, 2015, 6:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Re: Bible Studies (Jesse/Hagios1): john14-6.webs.com
Greetings in Christ,
Just an update to let you know that Revelation Chapters 21 and 22 have been posted and can be found in the "Bible Studies" tab at this link: http://john14-6.webs.com/
This will conclude our study of the New Testament. It has been a long journey from when we began with Matthew and worked our way through Revelation. I wish to thank all of you who have stuck it out from the beginning, and those who joined in later on in the studies. It is my hope that you might have been blessed by the material I have shared with you. I want to give a special thanks to Linda for allowing me to share these studies on this website. I pray that the Lord will continue to draw each of you closer to Him and that you will always have that hunger and desire to continue on in your walk with Him.
God Bless, Jesse!!!
Just an update to let you know that Revelation Chapters 21 and 22 have been posted and can be found in the "Bible Studies" tab at this link: http://john14-6.webs.com/
This will conclude our study of the New Testament. It has been a long journey from when we began with Matthew and worked our way through Revelation. I wish to thank all of you who have stuck it out from the beginning, and those who joined in later on in the studies. It is my hope that you might have been blessed by the material I have shared with you. I want to give a special thanks to Linda for allowing me to share these studies on this website. I pray that the Lord will continue to draw each of you closer to Him and that you will always have that hunger and desire to continue on in your walk with Him.
God Bless, Jesse!!!